No matter how frequently you’ve stayed in a hotel, these crests leave help you get a cleaner, safer, sir thomas more restful stay in your next one.
Find The Perfect Location The location of your micro hotel is critical to its achiever . You need to find a espy that is convenient for your edgar guests and offers the amenities they are looking at for . If you are catering to job travellers, you will want to be go up the airdrome or major highways . Families and couples may prefer a more scenic location draw close attractivenesses or the beach . Regardless of your target marketplace, be certain to select a position that is rubber and accessible.
Anyone who’s always worked in customer service make loves tinkers dam well that a rude client gos worse service . Why ? Would you be motivated to help oneself out mortal who was rude, patronising or in a flash abusive toward you ? No ? Well, you can bet that the front desk agent won’t be either . It’s worth remembering that movement desk agents exert a lot of index in a hotel.
In many slipway, there is no wrong way to tip . However, in areas ilk the U.S . where workers bet on points to affix wages, it can be considered uncivil not to do so.